Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You never truly know someone....

Have you ever tried Internet dating? Well I haven't personally but my girl friend has and after her experience I'm hoping I will never have to but I suppose you do have to sift through but that's even when your dating face to face. Thought I'd share you all a story and then maybe you could share yours and hopefully yours are more on a positive note....

My girls friend had been talking to this guy for about 3 months now. They would text, call, skype and e-mail one another daily. He lives in another city so they deiced she would come down for a weekend and if all goes to plan they shall go to Bali together in the coming weeks. She pays for her flights, he books the hotel they are going to stay in so far so good..... She rings me we speak about what she is going to wear on the plane so the first impression was a good one and we spoke about topics of conversation and places to eat as I am quite familiar with the city....

It comes to the big day I get a text saying "so excited but so nervous to finally meet him...." Then 2 hours later a phone call is coming through. (my thoughts are Oh my gosh she would of arrived and met him by now but clearly wrong) I answer excitedly and then suddenly stop she is mumbling and in tears... He had sent her a text which read "what ever you do not get on the plane! I have just had a car accident and I am going into lock up now the police are taking my phone off me and I have a couple of broken ribs, talk soon." Luckily she had a back up plane to go and visit and stay with a friend but since then no contact at all...

I really hope it was the truth and not just a way of getting out of the date as he seemed from what I was told like a lovely guy, but really how much do you truly know about someone and at what point to do you know them completely??


  1. That's unfortunate for your friend.

    I think knowing somebody takes time, patience and love. Trusting somebody is another matter.

    No way really to know if his excuse was real or not / I came accross so many like these ones, whether personal or friends experience.

    However some of my friends in France had good online dating experience and some are even married or dating for a couple of years now.

    I have never tried Online dating myself, I am the romantic type and like the old way of meeting. But I know it can work out fine sometimes. So........

  2. Hi Marie,

    Thanks for your feedback I agree 100% and I have had some friends that have been very successful also with online dating and are now married with kids.

    Blossom xx
